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Writer's pictureDarryl Johnson

For the "Common Good"

There is such a thing as the "common good." The common good is beneficial for all parties in joint. The issue is how we define commonality and who we label as such. Expanding our segregated circles of commonality is the first method of inclusion. For example, the most considerable rivalry and division in America are not racial; it's political. The dubious question of whether an individual is red or blue. The provided answer is leading to an unwanted and unwarranted disposition place upon the individual. Why? Because it is uncommon for a person of color to be republican. It is common for a rich person to be republican. These social norms are a mental framework for the division. We consistently find the need to get in where we fit in. Social norms define a black person to be a democrat, if you aren't you are an Uncle Tom. It is not normal for black people to hold conservative values, because we view republicans to be oppressors. It is sad and mistaken opinion and a reason we cannot establish commonality.

As individuals, we can open our minds and hearts to understand that the common good is doing what is necessary for everyone's benefit. It is only possible to reprogram local communities. If local city governments focus on creating diverse city officials, we can potentially execute the common good. A city commission should allow two people of each race and gender to be on the city commission. For example, the African American party will be comprised of a selected AA male and female. They are responsible for communication for the AA community. Committing to this action will demonstrate that American politics is concerned with diversity and every voice being heard. Laws would no longer be created to serve the corporations but serve and protect the American people's interests.

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